Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, Professor
Principal Investigator of BDCC
Neurology, Stroke, Imaging
My research interest as a neurologist is to investigate clinical trials in stroke and to facilitate new treatments by providing neuroimaging reference standards for neurovascular diseases. The reference standards of neuroimaging for neurovascular disease. The neuroimaging reference standards for neurovascular disease can provide a more understandable explanation to neurovascular disease patients by comparing the progression stage of their neurovascular disease with the reference standards.
As a clinician-neuroscientist, my primary research interests can be demonstrated by following research modules: thrombosis, atherosclerosis, cerebral infarction, clinical/preclinical big data & blood bank based translational research and high-throughput screening for drug development or repurposing. Through the preclinical and translational studies, I aim to contribute to the national bio- and health industry by establishing a research-education-industry cycle. Currently, I have involved in over 80 peer-reviewed publications in high impact factor journals including Plos-medicine, Annals of Neurology, ACS Nano and Neurology.
Research Professor
Research Professor