Confirmation of membership terms and conditions

If you want to join, please make sure to read and agree with the instructions below.
01 회원약관 확인
02 기본정보 입력
03 회원가입 완료

Terms and Conditions of Use

Chapter 1: General Rules

Chapter 2: Service Use Agreement

Chapter 3: Obligations of the Contracting Parties

Chapter 4: Use of the Services

Chapter 5: Termination and Limitation of Use

Chapter 6: Miscellaneous Chapter 1: General Rules

Chapter 2: Service Use Agreement

Chapter 3: Obligations of the Contracting Parties

Chapter 4: Use of the Services

Chapter 5: Termination and Limitation of Use

Chapter 6: Miscellaneous Matters


Chapter 1 General Rules

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate matters concerning the terms, conditions, and procedures of use of all services (referred to as "Services") provided by BioIAP (referred to as "Center, we, us, our") on its website ( 


Article 2 (Definitions)

The terms used in this Agreement shall have the following definitions.

1. User: A person who receives the services provided by the Center in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

2. Use Agreement: A contract concluded between the Center and the User regarding the use of the Service

3. Registration: The act of completing the service use contract by filling in the information on the application form provided by the Center and agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.

4. Member: A person who has registered as a member by providing personal information required for membership on this site.

5. User number (ID): A combination of English letters and numbers selected by the user and approved by the Center for member identification and member use of the service

6. PASSWORD: A combination of alphabets, numbers, and special characters set by the user to protect the member's information.

7. Termination of use: An expression of intent to terminate the use contract after the center or the member uses the service.

Article 3 (Effect and Change of Terms)

Members may request withdrawal (termination) of membership if they do not agree to the changed terms, and if they continue to use the service without expressing their refusal after 7 days from the effective date of the changed terms, they will be deemed to have agreed to the changes in the terms.

    These Terms and Conditions shall be effective by posting them on the service screen or announcing them on the notice board or other methods.

    We may change the contents of these Terms if deemed necessary, and the changed Terms will be announced on the service screen, and if you continue to use the service without expressing your refusal after 7 days after the announcement, you will be deemed to have agreed to the changes in the Terms.

     If the user does not agree to the changed terms, he/she may stop using the service and cancel his/her membership registration, and if he/she continues to use the service, he/she will be deemed to have agreed to the change in terms, and the changed terms will take effect in the same way as the preceding paragraph.

Article 4 (Applicable Regulations)

Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the provisions of the Basic Telecommunications Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and other relevant laws and regulations.


Chapter 2 Service Use Agreement

Article 5 (Establishment of Use Agreement)

The use contract is established by the center's approval of the user's application for use and the user's agreement to the terms and conditions.

Article 6 (Application for Use)

Application for use may be made by the user on the membership information screen of the Service by recording personal information on the application form required by the Center. 

Article 7 (Acceptance of Application for Use)

    When a member applies for use of the Service by accurately filling in all the details of the application form, the application for use of the Service shall be accepted unless there are special circumstances.

     If any of the following items apply, we may not approve the use of the service.

1.    When the application is not made under the user's real name

2.    The application is made using another person's name

3.    If the contents of the application are falsely stated

4.    The application is made for the purpose of interfering with the well-being and order of society or public order and morals.

5.    When the application does not meet the requirements set by us. 

Article 8 (Change of Contract)

The member shall correct any changes in the information provided in the application for use, and the member shall be responsible for any problems caused by not correcting the information.



Chapter 3 Obligations of the Contracting Parties

Article 9 (Obligations of the Center)

We shall not disclose or distribute any member's personal information known in connection with the provision of the Service to any third party without the consent of the member.

However, this shall not be the case if requested by a national agency under the provisions of laws such as the Basic Telecommunications Act, for the purpose of investigating a crime, or in accordance with the procedures prescribed by other relevant laws and regulations.

Article 10 (Obligations of Members)

    Members shall not engage in any of the following acts when using the Service.

1. Fraudulently use the ID of another member

2. Reproduce, publish, or provide information obtained from the Service to a third party

3. Infringe on the Center's copyright, the copyright of a third party, or other rights

4. Disseminating content that violates public order and morals

5. Acts that are objectively judged to be connected to a crime

6. Acts that violate other related laws and regulations

    Members may not conduct business activities using the Service, and we shall not be liable for any consequences of using the Service for business activities.

    Members may not transfer or give away the right to use the service or other status under the use contract to others, nor may they provide it as collateral.

Chapter 4 Use of the Service 

Article 11 (Obligations of Members)

    Members shall be responsible for the maintenance of their e-mail, bulletin boards, registration materials, etc. as needed.

    Members may not arbitrarily delete or change the materials provided by the Center.

    Members shall not register contents that violate public order and morals or infringe other rights such as copyrights of third parties on the Center's website.

   If such contents are posted, the member shall bear all responsibility for the consequences.

Article 12 (Post Management and Deletion)

For the efficient operation of the service, the memory space, message size, and number of days of storage of the member may be limited, and the registered content may be deleted without prior notice if it falls under any of the following items.

1. If the content is slanderous or defamatory to other members or third parties

2. If the content violates public order and morals

3. If the content is recognized to be linked to criminal behavior

4. If the content infringes on the Center's copyright, the copyright of a third party, or other rights.

5. If a member posts obscene material on the Center's homepage and bulletin boards or links to obscene sites.

6. If it is deemed to be in violation of other related laws and regulations. 

Article 13 (Copyright of Postings)

The copyright of the post belongs to the poster, and the member may not use the materials posted on the service commercially, such as processing or selling information obtained by using the service. 

Article 14 (Hours of Service Use)

The use of the Service shall be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, unless there are special business or technical obstacles. However, this is not the case in the event of reasons such as regular maintenance.

Article 15 (Responsibility for Service Use)

Users shall not engage in hacking, linking to pornographic sites, illegal distribution of commercial S/W, etc. using the service, and we shall not be liable for the results and losses of business activities caused by such violations, or legal actions by related organizations. 

Article 16 (Suspension of Service Provision)

We may suspend the provision of the Service in any of the following cases.

1. Unavoidable cases due to construction such as maintenance of facilities for the service

2. When the telecommunications service is suspended by the telecommunications service provider stipulated in the Telecommunications Business Act

3. When system maintenance is required

4. in case of other force majeure reasons




Chapter 5 Termination and Limitation of Use

Article 17 (Termination of Contract and Restriction of Use)

   When a member wishes to terminate the use contract, the member must apply for termination through the Internet, and we will take action after confirming the identity of the member.

 If a member commits any of the following acts, we shall notify the user of the intention 30 days before the termination action and give the user an opportunity to express his/her opinion.

1. Stealing another person's user ID and password

2. Intentionally interfering with the operation of the service

3. Falsely applying for membership

4. Double registration by the same user with different IDs

5. Disseminating content that is detrimental to public order and morals

6. Engaging in behavior that damages or disadvantages the honor of others

7. Transmitting a large amount of information or transmitting advertising information for the purpose of interfering with the stable operation of the service

8. Disseminating computer virus programs, etc. that cause malfunction of information and communication facilities or destruction of information, etc.

9. Infringe on the intellectual property rights of the Center or other members or third parties

10. Using other people's personal information, user ID and password illegally

11. If a member posts obscene material on his/her homepage or bulletin board or links to obscene sites.

12. If it is deemed to violate other relevant laws and regulations


Chapter 6 Miscellaneous Matters

Article 18 (Prohibition of Transfer)

Members may not transfer or give away the right to use the Service or any other contractual status to others, nor may they provide it as collateral.

Article 19 (Compensation for Damages)

We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Member in connection with the Services provided free of charge, except for damages caused by the intentional or gross negligence of the Center.

Article 20 (Exemption Clause)

   We shall be exempted from liability for providing the Services if it is unable to provide the Services due to natural disasters, war, or other equivalent force majeure.

   We are exempted from liability for damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, regular inspection, and construction of facilities for the Service.

   We shall not be liable for any obstacles to the use of the Service caused by reasons attributable to the Member.

   We shall not be liable for any damages caused by the profits expected by the Member using the Service or the data obtained through the Service.

   We shall not be responsible for the reliability, accuracy, etc. of the information, data, and facts posted by the Member on the Service.

Article 21 (Jurisdiction)

If a lawsuit is filed for a dispute arising from the use of the Service, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the Center shall be the exclusive court of jurisdiction.



A supplementary rule

(Effective Date) These Terms are effective as of November 1, 2023.

Consent to Collect and Use Personal Information

Consent to Collect and UsePersonal Information

I agree to the use of personal information collected from myself or other legitimate sources.

·      Information collected

1) Mandatory: ID, Password, Name, E-mail, contact number, country, Affiliation

·      Purpose of collection and use: conducting certain services or activities including but not limited to replying to inquiries, maintaining business records, and conducting market research.

·      Period of retention and use: Personal information is tobe discarded after the purpose of collection and use has been achieved.

* Personal Information shall be discarded without delay once the purpose of collection and use has been achieved;provided however that, if an obligation to retain such information exists under applicable law(s), the information shall be retained for a period of time as required by such law(s).

* Prior to the purpose of use and collection being achieved, personal information may be discarded upon requestvia email sent to Please note, however, that your use of the services herein may be limited.

※ You have the right not to consent to the collection and use of your personal information, in which event your use of the services may be limited.